An Overview of Basic Linux Shell Scripting

An Overview of Basic Linux Shell Scripting

Today we'll delve into the fundamentals of Linux shell scripting. Shell scripting is a crucial skill for DevOps engineers to have since it helps you automate work, optimize workflows, and increase productivity.

What does DevOps Shell Scripting mean?

The process of writing programs or scripts in a shell language, like Bash hence the #!/bin/bash), is known as shell scripting. The scripts consist of a sequence of commands that are interpreted and carried out by the shell. They are employed in DevOps to automate routine processes including maintenance, deployment, and system configuration.

Sample Shell Script Examples:

  1. A simple script that prints "I will complete #90DaysOfDevOps challenge":

    • #!/bin/bash

    • echo "I will complete #90DaysOfDevOps challenge"

  2. A script that takes user input and command-line arguments, then prints the variables:

    • #!/bin/bash

    • read -p "Enter your name: "

    • read name

    • echo "Hello, $name!"

    • echo "Arguments provided: $1=$1, $2=$2"

  3. An example of an if-else statement to compare two numbers:

  • #!/bin/bash

  • num1=10

  • num2=20

  • if [ $num1 -gt $num2 ]; then

  • echo "$num1 is greater than $num2."

  • else

  • echo "$num1 is not greater than $num2."

  • fi

The foundation of shell scripting in DevOps is these straightforward examples. They provide you with the ability to take user input, automate processes, and make condition-based decisions—all of which are critical competencies as your DevOps career progresses. Keep enhancing your skills and tune in for more thrilling journeys!

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